Chap1: attacks, security services, threats, DoS, spywares, virus, TCP flooding, ARP spoofing and flooding, DHCP starvation
Chap2: Firewalls, stateless firewall, statefull firewall, proxy, ACL (standard and extended), VLAN
chap3: Classical cryptographic attacks, COA, KPA, CPA, CCA, Brute force attack, Monoalphabetic
cipher, Cesar, Playfair, Polyalphabetic cipher, viginere, autokey, Vernam cipher, One time
pad, Transposition cipher, product cipher
Chap4 : Confusion & Diffusion, stream ciphers, bloc ciphers, DES, 2DES, meet-in-the-middle
attack, 3DES, ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR
Chap5: Public key cryptography, RSA, fast exponentiation, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, man-in-
the-middle attack, Hach functions, message authentication, anniversary paradox, SHA-
512, MAC, authenticated encryption, digital signature